
Regular price $4.90

Pours a rich, opaque mulberry pink with a dense off-white head that leaves a lace pattern on the glass.

Aroma: Aromas of freshly picked berries dominate, with a noticeable sweetness. There’s a subtle tart undertone, but the overall impression is one of vibrant, fresh berries—think of crushing them between your fingers and savoring that aroma.

Taste: The initial flavor is a burst of blackberry, raspberry, and cherry, delivering a tangy and refreshing profile. It’s tart but not overpowering, with a balancing sweetness that complements the berry flavors. The taste is bright and lively with a hint of underlying earthiness.

Mouthfeel: Medium-bodied with strong carbonation. The finish is tart and lingering, leaving a refreshing impression.

This beer seems to offer a delightful balance between tartness and sweetness, making it a treat for those who enjoy fruity and refreshing sours!